Pets with cat-itude!
If you’re thinking of getting a cat and have been seduced by the beautiful Abyssinian, Jo Schnauer has a word of advice: “Get Southern Cross pet insurance; you’re probably going to need it!”
Name: Pixie & Cricket
Breed: Abyssinian
Tricks & Loves: Going on adventures together, venturing into enemy territory and confronting the local bullies.
Their story: Cricket got a gash requiring emergency surgery. Then got an abdominal hernia. Pixie managed break a toe requiring casting, only to dislocate her knee a few weeks later.
Jo adores animals, and with two dogs and a cat already part of her family welcomed the arrival of Abyssinian kittens Pixie and Cricket. But nothing had prepared her for the reality of the ‘Abyssinian experience’.
“They’re utterly gorgeous and I love them to bits,” she laughs, “but they’re trouble with a capital T!”
Now aged four and three respectively, Pixie and Cricket are partners in crime, relishing every opportunity for adventure and taking particular delight in confronting animals of all types and sizes. Unfortunately though, they overestimate their own combat capabilities, more often than not emerging from their stoushes significantly worse off than the bullies who take them on. They keep Jo worried and her local vet busy.
Luckily, says Jo, she met Southern Cross’s Kerri Murray soon after Pixie and Cricket were catapulted into her life. Fully aware of the Abyssinian’s reputation for hijinks, Kerri strongly recommended that Jo take out pet insurance – and after researching her insurance options, Jo agreed.
Jo chose PetCare insurance - the most comprehensive plan that provides cover* for accidental injuries, illnesses and inherited conditions. She opted for the co-payment option, which means she pays 20 percent of the costs of qualifying vet charges.**
“I’ve been thanking my lucky stars ever since,” says Jo. “I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve taken Pixie and Cricket to the vet!”

The Abyssinians’ cat-astrophes have been many, and expensive. There’s the story of Cricket venturing into known enemy territory and returning home with a gash requiring emergency surgery; her fight with a dog that resulted in an traumatic abdominal hernia; and her taste for cutty grass that has seen her in hospital and under anaesthetic five times (so far).
As for Pixie, local bullies regularly leave her scratched and bruised, and one day she managed to break a toe – a mishap that left her with her foot in a cast. She took it badly, chewing at the cast until it slipped and nearly cut off her circulation, which had the vet warning of amputation. Fortunately she survived, only to dislocate her knee a few weeks later, requiring surgery followed by three months of indoor confinement. You can imagine how she felt about that!
It’s all exhausting stuff for Jo, who says the sight of the pair heading purposefully down the driveway sends dread coursing through her veins. But she also loves their bright, inquisitive personalities, and says that, despite their mischief, Pixie and Cricket bring a lot of joy into her life.
So does Southern Cross pet insurance. “I chose Southern Cross because it offered the best plan, and I’m so glad I did,” she says. “They understand my situation and are always so patient and helpful when I call.”
The admin’s easy too: Jo has a stack of claim forms permanently at the ready!
Interested in protecting your pet with Southern Cross Pet Insurance? Get a quick and easy online quote now.
We’d like to thank Pixie, Cricket and Jo for welcoming us into their home and allowing us to share their story. Our customers really are the best.
* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Read the PetCare policy document for more information.
** Co-payment means the percentage of each eligible claim for which the policyholder is responsible to pay. E.g. for 20% co-payment, Southern Cross Pet Insurance would be responsible for 80% of the eligible vet charges up to benefit levels, and the policyholder will be responsible for the 20% co-payment portion.
Pixie and Cricket are on a Southern Cross PetCare plan, see what our different policies cover here.