You would have seen their faces, now it’s time to meet them.
Late last year, we needed some new faces for our advertising campaign. Who better to be the face of Southern Cross Pet Insurance than our customers? We are excited to introduce you to our latest stars and let you in on a few of their favourite things to do.

Name: Blue
Breed: Tonkinese
Age: 6
Tricks & Loves: Blue is a snuggly giant. Over 6kgs of cuddle power! He also has a strange love for riding in cars. When people come to visit, we have to warn them to check the backseat in case he’s tried to hitch a ride.

Name: Ted
Breed: Cavoodle
Age: 8 weeks
Tricks & Loves: He loves to cuddle, sleep in his special blue bed and brown monkey.

Name: Winston Chorizo
Breed: Miniature Dachshund
Age: 3
Tricks & Loves: Loves getting under blankets or sneaking into the bed, checking under any blankets before sitting on them is a must. Hobbies include barking, sleeping, sunbathing and begging for treats.

Name: George
Breed: Blue Mitted Ragdoll
Age: 16 months
Tricks & Loves: George is very curious, like ‘Curious George’ the monkey! He loves being outside and to visit his furry friends around his neighbourhood, he also likes to bring his mum trinkets from these adventures such as little lizards and bugs!

Name: Olive
Breed: Black Tortie domestic short hair
Age: 4 1/2 months (but more like 3 months when the pictures were taken)
Tricks & Loves: Playing fetch with hair ties, lots of cuddles after a big day of playing, afternoon naps in the sun and chasing the ball in games of back yard cricket.